CUHK 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture by Prof. YAU Shing-tung

150 Years of Mathematics at Harvard
Prof. YAU Shing-tung
23 December
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
LT1, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK

The world renowned mathematician Prof. Yau Shing-tung delivered a CUHK 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture to a full house on the history of the Mathematics Department of Harvard University and his vision of mathematics education.

During the lecture, Prof. Yau traced back 150 years of development of a distinct American tradition of mathematics, and the influential figures who shaped this emerging force in the previously European-dominated discipline. He also shared with the audience his insights into mathematics education and the nurturing of young talents.

To view other 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lectures, please click here.

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