CUHK 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture

Student Evaluation of University Teaching : Recommendation for Policy and Practice
Professor Herbert W. Marsh
2 July
Lecture Theatre 6, 2/F, Yasumoto Academic Park

In the lecture, Prof. Marsh shared his views on students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness (SETs), which has been the topic of considerable interest and a great deal of research in universities all over the world. Although SETs have a solid research base stemming largely from research conducted in the 1980s, it is surprising that research conducted in the last decade has not done more to address critical limitations previously identified and incorporate exciting methodological advances that are relevant to SETs research. One of the observations is that the use of SETs is for personnel decisions rather than on improving teaching effectiveness. Also, it is opined that the feedback from students is potentially demoralized to academics without more fully implementing programmes to improve teaching effectiveness. Prof. Marsh also discussed the usefulness of SETs as part of a programme to improve university teaching and the necessity to conduct more intervention studies on SETs.

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